Consensus Asset Management invests in Sharpfin's Client Relations module, to digitalise and structure its client onboarding to be fully compliant with rules and directives.
Following an extensive evaluation, Consensus has decided to invest in Sharpfin's Client Relations module, to fully comply with MIFID II and IDD. A key motive for the investment has been to move away from expensive manual time-consuming process into a digitalised cost-effective structure for compliant client acquisition and to unify their processes onto one system.
What ultimately drove Consensus Asset Management to opt for Sharpfin's Client Relations module?
“We have chosen Sharpfin based on our positive experience as users of their excellent wealth management solution and on our need to have a reliable supplier that will support us in the future.
With Sharpfin, we have a partner that combines market knowledge with technology leadership and the knowledge to continuously evolve its solutions at a competitive price compared to other suppliers of wealth management software,” says Patrik Soko, CEO, Consensus.
Sharpfin's founder, Markus Alin is thrilled that one of the most sophisticated wealth management firms in the Nordic region has chosen Sharpfin:
“We are thrilled that Consensus Asset Management, one of the most sophisticated wealth management firms in the Nordic region, has chosen Sharpfin's Client Relation module to digitalise onboarding of new clients and enable easy maintenance of its current clients. We have learned that advisory processes built on Sharpfin can be up to 75% more efficient, compared to previous ways of documenting clients," says Markus Alin, CEO, Sharpfin.
For further information:
Markus Alin
CEO, Sharpfin |

Sharpfin is a leading provider of cloud-based solutions that empowers wealth managers with minimized administration, increased customer satisfaction which leads to more time spent with their clients and ensures simplified regulatory compliance. Sharpfin delivers their solution to a growing number of customers such as Nordnet, Consensus Asset Management and Finserve. Sharpfin's strength is to better understand its customers' requirements and, through powerful technology, translate customer requirements and new regulations into new functionality.
Patrik Soko
CEO, Consensus Asset management AB |

Consensus Asset Management is a fast-growing securities firm completely specialised in active capital management and pension solutions.